
Craft 2/9

Sorry for the unintentional hiatus. My life has been engulfed in a flurry of activity the past few weeks. Between interviews, my comprehensive exam, homework, thesis writing, data analysis, and working, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. This means that I have a lot to talk about over the next few days, though, so hopefully I can get more than a couple of posts written. 

Today, since it is already a week late, I wanted to show my craft project from February. To introduce this, you should first know that my bathroom is not yet fully decorated. It has been a work in progress since we moved in. "How long have you lived in this apartment?" you may wonder. "Four weeks? Four months?" No, try four years. FOUR. YEARS. Unfortunately, I have neither the money nor the attention span to finish decorating. Every room is a mish-mash of wedding gifts, flea market finds, and my sad attempts at crafting, with very little cohesion in the decor department. I thought my bathroom was small enough that I could focus my decorating attempts and actually complete a room. Unfortunately this was not true, but I have narrowed down a theme:

Yes, that is exactly how I feel. I love birds. I loved them before they were hipster (which, I guess, makes me somewhat hipster, but that is neither here nor there). Anyways, I decided to decorate my bathroom in birds. Unfortunately, I chose the worst possible colors. I scoured flea markets, home stores, and Etsy. NOTHING comes in these colors, certainly not bird decor. However, I have finally made something that I can put in my sad little mish-mash bathroom, if I will ever print it out and find a frame for it.

To make this word collage, I googled "bird silhouette," pasted an image into Word, and, used text boxes and different fonts (and my wonky color palette), create this image. After I was finished, I deleted the silhouette, and voila! A beautiful picture with a bird on it! That is made of birds! A BIRD MADE OF BIRDS. I'm sure hipsters everywhere are rejoicing. So there you have it. Two crafts in two months. My productivity levels are through the roof!


  1. That bird made of bird (word) is soooo awesome! I may just have to pin this!

    1. Oh wow! That is fabulous. : ) I would feel so special if I had my own pin! Haha!
