
An Open Letter to the Judgmental Pharmacy Worker

Dear Walmart Pharmacy Technician,

I understand your job is difficult. I, too, work in a retail setting, and customers are sometimes brutal for reasons I have yet to understand. I actually had one throw a coupon in my face, then turn around and scream, "WHATEVER!!!" when I sincerely told her to have a nice day. It happens. This is why I am always overly cheerful to everyone in the customer service industry. When I came to pick up my prescription, I was as sweet as ever. This is why I don't understand why you chose to loudly announce, "You're here for your birth control?" and shoot me a glare that you apparently use for those you believe have loose morals. I'm pretty sure you gave your previous customer (the elderly man still standing beside confidentiality breech, by the way) the delight of his day, because he smiled at me in a way that gave me the heebie-jeebies.

Anyways, Walmart Pharmacy Technician, I am sorry that you don't seem to agree with my method of family planning. I will just assume you were having a bad day. Maybe you had a flat tire that morning, or one of your other customers spit on you or something (people can be so mean!). But just for future reference, my man put a ring on it almost 4 years ago, so there really isn't a reason for your obvious disdain. But even if he hadn't, I'm pretty sure there's nothing in your job description that says, "Judge your customers." Just a little tip from one customer service worker to another: most people are much sweeter to you if you are nice to them. Also, I'm pretty sure that Jesus wouldn't have looked at me like that. Have a nice day!
